
  1. Why is the signal always red? (or the signal is always greener on the other side)
  2. FHWA Traffic Signal Timing
  3. TRB Traffic Signal Systems Committee
  4. ITE's Traffic Signal Timing
  5. 2007 TRB Presentation to Signal Timing Subcommittee
  6. Oregon and Washington Yellow Light Laws
  7. Subcommittee List
  8. 2006 Committee Meeting on Oversaturated Conditions
  9. 2005 Workshop on Best Practices for Signal Timing and Operations
  10. 2004 Mid-year Committee Meeting
  11. 2003 Mid-year Committee Meeting


  1. Bell, M.C. Ageing of Fixed-Time Traffic Signal Plans. In Report to Transport and Road Research Laboratory. Department of Engineering, University Durham, United Kingdom, 1985.
  2. Bell, M.C., and R.D. Bretherton. Ageing of Fixed-Time Traffic Signal Plans. In Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Road Traffic Control. Institution of Electrical Engineers, London, United Kingdom, 1986, pp. 77-80.
  3. Parsonson, P. Signal Timing Improvement Practices. In Synthesis of Highway Practice, No.172, TRB, National Research Council, Washington, D.C. 1992, pp 1-10.
  4. Federal Highway Administration (FHWA). Improving Traffic Signal Operations - A Primer. Washington, D.C.,1995. Accessed February, 17, 2004.
  5. Park, B.B., N. M. Rouphail, and J. Sacks. Assessment of a Stochastic Signal optimization Method Using Microsimulation. Technical Report No 110, National Institute of Statistical Sciences, Research Triangle Park, NC, 2000. Accessed April 7, 2004.
  6. Sunkari, S. The Benefits of Retiming Traffic Signals. In ITE journal, Vol. 74, No.4, Institute of Transportation Engineers, Washington, D.C., 2004, pp. 26-30.
  7. Tarnoff, P.J., and J. Ordonez. Signal Timing Practices and Procedures – State of the Practice. Publication FHWA-HOP-05-015. Institute of Transportation Engineers, Washington, D.C., 2004.
  8. Swayampakala, R. K., and J.R. Graham. Optimum Time Intervals for the Traffic Signal Re-Timing Process. Presented at the 84th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., 2005.
  9. Institute of Transportation Engineers – ITE. Benefits of Retiming Traffic Signals. Institute of Transportation Engineers, Washington, D.C., 2005.
  10. Park, B. and Agbolosu-Amison S. J., "Investigation of Schedules for Traffic Signal Timing Optimization", FHWA/VTRC 06-CR8, Virginia Transportation Research Council, Virginia Department of Transportation, November 2005.
  11. Stevanovic, A. and Martin, P.T. "Assessing the Ageing of Pre-Timed traffic signal Control Using Synchro and SimTraffic", Presented at the 85th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington D.C., 2006.
  12. Dajani, L. and Horowitz, A.J. “A Method for Estimating the Useful Lifespan of a Traffic Signalization Plan”, To be presented at the 87th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., 2008.

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